Sundberg-Ferar Featured in Venture Cafe St. Louis Webinar


January 21, 2021
4pm EST



Sundberg-Ferar Featured in Venture Cafe St. Louis Webinar

Have an Idea? You’re starting or growing a business? Make sure to inject the Design Thinking Process!

About The Event

Putting man on moon in the 60’s had a great side effect right here on earth. It led to an amazing explosion of start-ups and entrepreneurship. That “moon shot” injected a heavy dose of confidence in the common businessman, tinkerers, makers and inventors. It gave us hope to experiment and try new things. In a similar way, a catastrophic event like this COVID-19 pandemic is also, in its unique way, making people scramble to innovate and come up with better methods to solve for the new challenges we are going through. This pandemic is changing the sentiments, behaviors, sensitivities, and intentions of people. Most of these changes are probably going to stay and will alter the way we do business.

In our session, we’ll look at how YOU can leverage the Design Thinking Process to make your business or product a success on the market in these emerging pandemic realities. From the perspective of Sundberg-Ferar’s 87 years of experience in human-centered design & innovation, we’ll share successful and proven methodologies to get your idea off the ground and make it a commercial success!

Who Should Attend?

  • Entrepreneurs and Startups looking to take their product or business to the next level.
  • CEOs, CMOs, CTOs, and any leadership who are responsible for product development, or who own the strategic design & innovation roadmap for their company.
  • Design Managers, Connected / IoT Product Developers, DFM Leads
  • Team Managers focused on creating innovation culture within their growing business.
  • Anyone curious about Design Thinking for Entrepreneurship

Why is this beneficial to you?

  • Broaden your horizons by understanding the Design Thinking Process as a strategic tool for your business growth and product success.

  • Learn how to avoid common pitfalls in the Design Thinking process.

  • Understand why this time presents a unique opportunity to YOU and how to optimize it.