April 29, 2021
12-4pm EDT
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SF Virtual Design Conversations: Product Design – Commercial Products
About The Event:
Product Design – Commercial Products
From medical products to industrial products to materials, construction, and beyond – the commercial product industry is one of the most diverse areas of design & innovation. But while a rigorous product design process is just as urgently needed in the commercial as in the consumer industries, its practical execution can look much different.
How do you tackle the process of ensuring your commercial portfolio is not just a collection of commodity products, but rather a uniquely differentiated offering that sets your company apart as an innovation leader for your customers? How can you rise above the regulatory demands, the endless cycle of order taking, and trying to please everyone, to make products that are hard-hitting statements of purpose and exceptional design?
Join us to learn from 4 leaders across 4 different commercial product categories about how they are navigating this innovation journey to deliver successful and sought-after commercial products.
Who Should Attend?
- Any leadership responsible for commercial product development, or who own the strategic design & innovation roadmap for their company. (Eg. Chief Design Officers, Chief Innovation Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Marketing Officers, Product Development Directors, Commercial Marketing Managers etc).
- Managers of creative teams who want to cultivate the kind of innovation culture that will lead to exciting and sustainable commercial solutions.
- Advanced Design Managers, Connected / IoT Product Owners, DFM Leads
- Industrial Designers, Engineers, UX/UI experts, or creatives who want to understand innovation & design better.
Why is this beneficial to you?
- Get examples of how leaders in the industry have overcome barriers to innovation and carved out a market space to occupy with their product portfolio.
- Ask questions of our speakers through live Q&A about their experiences and insights.
- Learn about new products and technologies coming from the commercial lighting, tools, air curtains, and adhesives industries.
Sundberg-Ferar at a glance:
We’re a product innovation studio. We create exceptional, user-centered solutions in mobility, consumer, & commercial products that grow your business. Through our collaborative methodology that includes industrial design, research, engineering, innovation strategy and prototyping, we identify the right kind of different to drive your business forward and maximize growth and profitability potential. Check out our work, and learn more about us and our services!
Ask a question of our speakers!
We’ll try to tackle it during out time together.
12:00pm EDT
Jeevak Badve
Principal + Director of Strategic Growth
Jeevak brings energy, passion & curiosity to his role at Sundberg-Ferar. With his unique blend of education and experience in industrial design, engineering and business, he is a rallying voice for the alignment and optimal inclusion of the end user’s un-met needs, and unspoken wants in the core value proposition of a company’s products & service portfolio to generate sought-after shareholder value. Jeevak has more than 23 years of professional design experience, first in India for 7 years at Tata Motors, and then in the U.S. for 16 years at GM Design and now Sundberg-Ferar. Beyond his role at SF, Jeevak is a board member of many prominent design associations and think tanks including the Michigan Design Council, Aether Design Group, and Detroit Creative Corridor. He also served on IDSA’s International board for 6 years and chaired IDSA’s 2017 flagship International Design Conference: “Design IS Business”. In his copious amounts of spare time, Jeevak can be found indulging his love of kickboxing, and obstacle course running, or photographing birds in obscure parts of the world.

12:15-1:00pm EDT
Robert Hahn
President & General Manager
Bob is a believer in “never forget where you came from and who got you there.” This mantra permeates his everyday decision-making as president and general manager of Lumecon LED lighting manufacturer, a unique Made-in-America LED outdoor lighting company. Pacific Rim-based companies have dominated the world of Light Emitting Diodes; Lumecon stands firm in sourcing and building superior quality LED lighting products right here in Michigan and other parts of the United States.
Along with several other partners, Robert started Lumecon nearly 16 years ago, intending to grow a unique manufacturer. Today Lumecon has carved out space in the Lighting World as the go-to product line for high-quality American Made lighting fixtures. Bob has been and continues to be a student of Communication via Personality Traits.- working to be proficient in effective communication with individuals and speaking common languages, and empathize and communicate by understanding an individual’s style and behavior. “Getting on the same page,” leading and maintaining employees.
Bob enjoys spending time with friends and family, working out, and running with his dogs. Bob also has a passion for professional sports analytics and follows his hometown Lions, Red Wings, Tigers, and Pistons fervently.

1:15 – 2:00pm EDT
John Cunningham
Ox Tools Global
John Cunningham is well rounded leader committed to building businesses, brands and innovative products. He is skilled at running start ups, mid sized companies and even up to $1B divisions. He is a driven entrepreneur with 20 years of corporate experience which is now being applied to small innovative businesses that wants to scale and disrupt industries. John has worked with great brands like DEWALT, Black + Decker, Stanley, OX Tools and has started License to Innovate, nCamp and inPOWERED Lights.
He completed his degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Accounting at Stevenson University. He enjoys a great round of golf as his hobby as well as hiking in the great outdoors. His passion is starting new businesses and continuing to learn the art of sales and marketing to help pass along his expertise to both of his sons.
John is happily married for 27 years to his lovely wife Cherie. They are blessed with two sons Tyler and Jacob. John (G-Pop) and Cherie (Mimi) entered the next phase of life on January 1, 2021 when their daughter in law, Kaitlin and son Tyler gave birth to Eloise Joy. Their youngest son Jacob is finishing his Junior year at Albright University studying Business Administration and playing Lacrosse.

2:15 – 3:00pm EDT
Miranda Berner
Head of Marketing
Berner Air Curtains
Miranda Berner is in charge of marketing and is part of the new product development team for Berner International, the company that makes doors out of air, a.k.a. air curtains. Before taking over leadership of the marketing department, Miranda served as the project manager for initiatives that involved more than two departments. Miranda has her LEED AP in Building Design + Construction and is a past board member of the Green Building Alliance (USGBC affiliate, Pittsburgh)
Philip Thomas
Product Manager, Executive Management
Berner Air Curtains
During Philip’s 25-year career as a product development and management specialist, he has become broadly skilled at profitably launching commercial and industrial products in start-ups thru large multinationals. He loves the creative process of designing and positioning products to satisfy customer needs in unique ways. Phil holds several patents in fluid control, HVAC, and IoT applications. He served on the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) board as vice president for 4 years.

3:15 – 4:00pm EDT
Scott Sommers
VP, Insights & Innovation
Shurtape Technologies
Scott has been with Shurtape Technologies for 20 years and is currently Vice President of Insights & Innovation. Scott’s leads a skilled team with a focus on market research and new product development with a scope across both the consumer and commercial businesses. Scott’s experience includes more than a decade in consumer product marketing and over 5 years leading the company’s eCommerce initiatives. Prior to joining Shurtape Technologies, Scott worked in the consulting industry specializing in Strategy and Technology for Retailers (Clients include Fortune 500 companies and .com startups.) Scott holds an MBA in Entrepreneurship from Babson College in Boston and has attended the Harvard Business School Executive Education program for Strategic Marketing. Scott brings a unique blend of business disciplines to help identify opportunities for growth and unlock value for the business.

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